Thursday, January 24, 2013

Busy busy

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been busy with my little cross training. I really think its starting to help.  I decided last Friday to go for a 5k run since it had been awhile. I was surprised that I did it under 30 minutes (barely). Pretty good for someone who just started back up again. I've also noticed that I am doing a lot better at not stopping. I really wish I knew why I started that habit last year.

This week I have gotten faster on my times which is good. I haven't been able to run outside because of the cold and wind. Those two things do not mix well with me. I've done it but definitely try to avoid it as much as I can. But I did notice I was 3 minutes faster on my Wednsaday run then I was last week. Not too bad! :)

The treadmill and I are slowly becoming friends. I can't use the excuse its too cold to run if I have a gym membership. Lol. I still kick up the speed to make me keep moving

Let's see what else...

Oh, I signed up for 2 of the 4 races that are this Spring. I can't wait to get back out there. I have a major adrenaline rush when I participate in races. Hopefully I'll be able to place at least in the top 10 in one of those.

Tomorrow is my last day of working out for the week. If I not tomorrow I'll probably start upping my mileage and see how I do. Got to start somewhere.

I posted this on my twitter but I am going to post it here as well.  I found my running song for 2013. :) I just hope the radio doesn't over play it..

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